We paid for our entry and I grabbed his hand and took him first to the tiny little cabin across the creek. From our first step inside that door we were mesmerized. The ladies shared information with us about windows and ladders and crazy amounts of people living in the small space. (Nine children in one room all winter!) We visited areas where people were making candles, making baskets, weaving on looms, and spinning wool. We spoke with many intelligent and lively people who were each enjoying their job and making it a memorable experience for us. We walked in the rain sans umbrella with no care at all. We weathered a tornado alert in what I think is the most beautiful building in all of the village. They played the piano and sang songs, all while staying in character - and in 1863. A beautiful little girl danced around the room while adults sang The Battle Hymn of the republic. It was magical. What a great mistake we'd made that day! We enjoyed it so much we took our children back a week later.
What an interesting and fun place. If you are in the area I suggest you take a day and check it out.
*The picture is the family in front of the Hale House.