Do you ever feel like this? The past few weeks have been so full of life and events and people coming and going that I feel like I've been in one of those revolving doors which have, thankfully, fallen out of esteem. They still have them in big government buildings in Downtown Cleveland. Immigrants and their citizen sponsors beware. For me it has been
- Kids graduating; Out of school.
- Kids orientating: Into College.
- Kids moving: Out of apartments.
- Kids moving: Out of the state.
- Taking people to airports: Out of the house.
- Picking up people from airports: Into the house.
- Someone died: Out of this world, Into another.
- Dogs wanting walks: In/Out.
- Furniture: In/Out.
- Major purchases: In/Old stuff: Out.
- etc
There have been causes for celebration and concern. There have been unexpected guests and long-awaited arrivals and planned departures, along with "I-never-saw-it-coming" ins and outs.
I have fallen in love with, of all things, granola, for heaven's sake. (Nobody who knows me could have seen this coming!)
We had high school graduate number five this year. Five! FIVE!
I planted a raised bed garden. Sort of. Well, I did. In a kiddie swimming pool. So if I fail miserably it was not $200 worth of lumber and materials. If I succeed, which I think I will, we will have a LOT of tomatoes this summer, and our own peppers. I forgot that I was going to try to plant cucumbers, too. We'll see how it all goes. Maybe I still will.
We actually have grass! It's been a long, long road to this, let me tell you. One place where our builder was just terrible was the 'upgraded lawn' we got. It's all rocks, mostly from construction. On top of that they took all the topsoil away and then gave back a fraction of it. A very, very, VERY small fraction. I've seeded and feeded (poetic license, okay?) and fertilized some more. Finally we have actual grass instead of just soybeans and clover. Yes, soybeans. This must have been a soybean field. If you had seen my yard yesterday morning? You would be as certain as I am about it.
Tonight we will all sit under our roof and talk and laugh. Maybe we'll even play a game or two. Mostly, though, I will look around the room and be so happy for everyone in it. For what we share together, for who we are together. For everything.
Now I'm off to do the working and waiting/driving part. I'm going to claim my husband at the airport after going to the butcher and the farm market. I'm going to enjoy the sunshine as it sparkles off my ring while I drive. (I was a distracted driver way before everyone else got that way because of phones.) I am going to sing along to whatever Sirius radio decides to play me on their First Wave channel. I am going to herd my people home and then sit around enjoying them. I hope your weekend is filled with your wishes come true.