Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interviews With Friends

Beth over at Interviews With Friends asked me to do an interview with her. I did it, and she's just posted it on her blog. She is also running a giveaway to go along with the interview. Go over and enter to win a $20 Amazon gift card! Leave a comment here on my blog somewhere before you do, because that is her required entry. Be sure to click on the home button and check my sidebar for my giveaways and giveaways from my friends.


  1. Congrats on being interviewed!

  2. Great! Just finished reading it!

  3. I have to brag. I have to share my excitement. You still love me don't you?

    Read this

  4. Congrats on your interview! That's wonderful!

    I saw your tweet on entrecard and clicked through. A lot of controversy over that the last few months...I hope it works out well for you.

  5. LOL, you definitely have my sense of humor :-p That interview was hilarious!

  6. On my way to see the interview. Hope all is well! :)

  7. Keep up the delicious work!

  8. Just a FYI: Would you like more chances to win the giveaway and you are on Twitter. RT @IWFriends read Interview with Funnel Full of Soup. ( Please DM me with your RT and I will enter your names 5 more times into the giveaway) Must DM only, no email.
