I looked around today for a source for Cricut Vinyl and found a place which sells a lot of great stuff. I like the prices, too! They also carry Silhouette Vinyl in their store.
They sell it in the sizes of your machine, so if you want to buy a 12"x6" piece you can - for only 99 cents! But if you want a lot of a certain color (10 yards!) you can buy it super cheap by the roll! This makes each 6"x12" sheet just under 40 cents!
I can't help being excited about this since it costs more to get it at the craft store and the colors available at my craft store were white and black. Expressions Vinyl has nearly 40 colors! If you own any kind of cutting machine you owe it to yourself to go check out their site.
They also have Printable Vinyl. I know! I can hardly believe it myself. I did not know you could print on vinyl. You smarty-pants types could figure out how to print on it AND cut it, I just know. Then someone can teach me. Pretty please?
*I was not compensated for this post. Mostly, this is just information provided by me to be helpful to you. I did sign up to be an affiliate with them so if people go through my links I can earn $50 when the total of orders reaches $1,000. When that happens I'll likely use it to buy more vinyl!
looking forward for this Vinyl, hope it seems to be making the most of all.