Thursday, April 5, 2007

I'm It?

I've been tagged by world-famous Kevin Dixie of Fuel My Blog. This has never happened to me before, so I hope I have the right idea about what I am supposed to do. Here goes!

My mission, if I understand it correctly, is to "Name seven albums or tracks playing in my life right now".

I'm not sure if I should take that to mean the music I've been actually listening to or the music that would be playing in my life if it were a movie. I guess there aren't rules about one list of seven, so maybe I'll go wild and dazzle you (okay, myself) with more than one list.

The songs I've actually been listening to lately, according to my iPod:
1. Chariots Rise - Lizzie West
2. The Day We Met - Lizzie West
3. Tower of Song - actually the whole "Essential Leonard Cohen" album
4. Stolen Car - Beth Orton
5. The Corrs Unplugged album
6. The DeLovely Soundtrack (Love Cole Porter)
7. Coming Up Close - Til Tuesday

The songs they will play in the movie when Rachel McAdams plays me:
1. Halo - Texas
2. Stolen Car - Beth Orton
3. Everybody's got a story - Amanda Marshall
4. Forgiven, not forgotten - The Corrs
5. Good Mother - Jann Arden
6. Fix You - Coldplay
7. London Rain - Heather Nova

Now that you've seen my lists I'm sure you'll be sending me links to music less than a decade old, links to radio stations, the cd version of mixed tapes, etc.

Oh, and now I am supposed to tag 7 people to do the same thing. Isn't that special?
Here's the lucky 7, in no particular order:
(to be added later)

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting meme. I'll check it out.
    We are having another BlogBlast for Peace June 6, 2007. The last one was incredible. I hope to see you there.
    Mimi Lenox
