Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lots to do

     As if buying a house and moving isn't enough to do, there is a chain of things which go along with it. Like getting utilities, drivers licenses, and billing address changed,  post office, FedEx, UPS orders, changing schools, insurance, etc. Plus all the stuff you need when you go from a 4 bedroom 1 bath house to a 6 bedroom 3.5 bath house. Then add snazzy newfangled apparatus like dishwashers, garbage disposals, central vacuum, remote controlled fireplace, garage door openers, and the likes. I'm talkin' fannnnn-cyyyyy, baby!

     Add: Our Frigidaire started freezing everything in the fridge side. Now we (somehow?) got it to stop doing that yesterday, but now it sounds like it is snoring. Not cool, Frigidaire, not cool. Also, the thingy I put on the kitchen sink in the current house sort of came apart today and it was girls gone wild. Except instead of girls, it was water. Water under copious amounts of pressure. Day before yesterday the lone bathroom started to get messy with me - it started to leak, obviously in solidarity with some bathroom hardware which started leaking Friday in the new house. We discovered that Saturday. At least our PM is taking care of that one.

     So, how does your week look, in comparison?


  1. I think your house is mad that you are leaving!!

  2. I have to agree with Gina. You're current house is having a temper tantrum :)
    I'm glad you put those to-do items in a list cuz I'm sure I'll forget a few of those. I can't remember, have you sold your current home or do you plan to rent it out?
    Only a few more days and the keys to that beautiful house will be yours!

  3. I feel you on this one. We went from a smallish 3 bed/1 bath house to the Ravenna. So many things to do, to buy, to build, to ..... well you know.
    have fun

  4. Yes, Sgt Rich, I know. This house was built in the 50s, quite modestly. We are going to have a DINING ROOM! That alone was a big deal to me.
