He told me that some time ago my daughter #2, Allison, had asked him what he would wish for if he could have one wish. Now, my grandfather is a spirited man. He's full of mischief, truly. But he's also sort of a grown up. He lost two boys when they were teenagers in a car accident. He's the youngest of about eleventy siblings, who were all close, and quite a few of them have passed. Who could guess what his wish would be? He told me his answer to her was "I wouldn't wish for anything. I'm alive and I have a home and food to eat and a family who loves me very much" and, he said "I have my Lord. That's all I need."
Can I get a big fat "Amen!" to that?
Your a very lucky girl to still have your Grandparents! I read this and it brought tears to my eye's. I think your very rich for still having them in your life! God Bless and thank you for sharing as I will go to bed thinking about my Dad and Grandparents all of whom have passed.